Our Success Stories
Watch Our Training in Action
Welcome to our Success Stories page at Leader of the Pack Home Dog Training! Here, you can witness the transformative power of our training methods through real-life videos of the dogs we have successfully trained in Temecula, CA. Each video showcases the remarkable progress made by dogs and their owners as they learn to communicate and build strong, respectful relationships. Whether you are dealing with behavioral issues, obedience training, or socialization, our videos demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques and the positive outcomes achieved. We believe in empowering you to become the leader your dog loves, trusts, and respects. Watch these heartwarming success stories and see for yourself how our personalized, in-home training can make a difference in your dog’s behavior and your relationship with them. Join us in celebrating these achievements and get inspired to start your own journey toward a well-behaved and happy dog.
Rico is a Priceless Pet’s dog that was deemed “Dog Aggressive.” After teaching him to walk past other dogs without lunging at them, Lexi Gledhill and I took him to the dog park for a Play Day with My Pack of Dog Trainers.He had a blast!