Halloween can be a scary and dangerous time for dogs. Please keep Halloween fun and safe for you and your dog. GHOSTS AND GOBLINS AREN’T SCARY. You dog does not see ghosts and goblins every day. He has no idea what they are and could react in a protective mode. Wear your costumes for a few days
Five Mistakes Rescue Dog Owners Make – Caring for a Rescue Dog
1. Assuming a shy dog was abused Dogs, like humans are born with their inherent personalities. That personality is Nature’s “stamp” and like us, a dog is stuck with the personality they’re born with. A confident, willful puppy (barring trauma in a critical period of early development) will be a confident dog just like that
READ MORERecognizing Behavior Patterns Key to Understanding and Solving Aggressive Dog Issues
Recognizing Behavior Patterns Key to Understanding and Solving Aggressive Dog Issues Dogs aren’t born aggressive—but when aggression occurs, especially toward humans, the problem must be dealt with firmly. For both safety and liability reasons, aggression is among the most serious issues dog training professionals are asked to address. Nationwide statistics underscore the potential danger of
READ MORELost Dog Found! A Microchip Can Make the Difference.
Recently, I have seen an increased number of people either looking for their lost pets or lost dogs looking for their owners posted on Facebook. Obviously, the very best ways to retrieve your pet is collar tags, but most importantly by microchipping your pet. The likely-hood of finding your pet can be greatly increased with